
We May Weep For A Time by Sarah Ashlyn (Kimberley Thames)

  Comprehensive Absorbing Heart-breaking Genre: Historical Fiction/Family Drama/Religious Themes We May Weep For A Time by Sarah Ashlyn ( Kimberly Thames ) The love and protection of family and the knowledge that he was not alone in his confusion and grief had pulled him through his first experiences of loss during his early teenage years. The tidal wave of grief fuelled by the sudden and particularly brutal loss of his only remaining family members, together with the perplexity of pubescent adolescence, were somewhat lessened by the regard in which the townsfolk held his kin, the shelter of his second family, and the love and companionship of his future wife. The loss of his ‘love’ was cushioned by the family that he had created, and his need to move forward, propelled by his children, and support from his surrogate sister. But, it was not being given the chance to save the sixteen year old Luke a second time around, that really broke him more than thirty years on from his own n...

Enraged by Morgan McDaniel - Author

  Amusing, Spicy, Intriguing Genre: Contemporary Fiction/Romance/contains graphic sexual content Enraged by Morgan McDaniel - Author ‘When you’re in love with someone you don’t want to hide it’. Even though we have history before ‘us’ Even when we’ve been together for half a lifetime Even when we feel we know each other back to front and inside out Even when we have committed to sharing a lifetime with one another Even when we have chosen the ring Even when plans are in place and invitations issued Even when the stage was set and we reached that moment Even then, did we ever really know them? ‘Smut’, as it is often called in literary circles, has never been a genre I have often indulged in. However, when this novel crossed my path, attracted to the book cover, and intrigued as to the title, I decided that it was time for a change. We British have a tendency to sometimes be a tad priggish about too much sex in books or scenes that are graphic. Indeed, when I was reading ‘Enraged...