
One Greek Summer by Kate Frost

  Absorbing, Adventurous, Intriguing Contemporary Fiction/Family Drama/Romance One Greek Summer by Kate Frost - Author Harlow was required to fly out to a job in Greece, on the Island of Skopelos. She was aware that she had been second choice and strings had been pulled, but it would be good experience...if, and it was a big ‘if’ she wanted to stay working in the industry, which she wasn’t even sure of. She’d persevered with it over the years, operating in various roles, and was now taking what would be seen as a lesser position, something that she knew she would have to defend, the question was how?? He would be there too. They hadn’t really been in contact for a couple of years….well, in fact, he had attempted to get in touch and she had avoided him, and she knew that he wouldn’t just let that go either. Could a dream location turn this nightmare scenario around...she doubted it. This is now my fourth novel of Kate Frost’s, of which I am enjoying working my way through. I love that

Night Music by Jojo Moyes

  Intriguing, Engaging, Absorbing Genre: Contemporary Fiction/Family Drama/Psychological Suspense Thriller Night Music by Jojo Moyes The Spanish House, originally built by the Pottisworth’s still stood at the edge of the lake, a short walk from the edge of the woods, where it had been for decades, but was now in an extremely bad state of repair. Mr Pottisworth Junior still resided there but was now confined to one room as he was now believed to be bed bound. Just outside that same wood lived Mr Pottisworth’s closest neighbours, Matt and Laura McCarthy and their teenage son, Anthony. The house had belonged to Matt’s parents, and as such the two families had a long tumultuous history. Matt, a builder by trade had always dreamt of owning the Spanish House and had voiced as much to the old man who had said that as long they saw him right until he died, he would see to it that they got the house once he had passed. Therefore, Laura had spent the last ten years taking food back and forth to

Love Letters at the Borrow A Bookshop

  Engaging, Entertaining, Intriguing Contemporary Fiction/Romance Love Letters at the Borrow A Book Shop by Kiley Dunbar Austen Archer can’t believe her luck when she spots the advert to apply to own a bookshop and cafe for two weeks in a seaside village in Devon. She has loved books since she was a child, and had a particular penchant and affection for poetry. However, following an unfortunate incident that had taken place a year ago, she hadn’t been able to write a thing. She hoped that some time to herself, somewhere new, would perhaps evoke her imagination and her muse would once again return. However, not only was Austen about to rekindle her love of the written word but she was also about to get the chance to bring closure to her past and create a new and exciting future. Obviously, the word ‘bookshop’ was what drove me to this novel, which opens with the advert that Austen has come across. Now, many of us bookworms dream about this scenario, owning your own bookshop and coffee