
The Love Island Book Shop by Kate Frost

  Engaging Compelling Intriguing Genre: Contemporary Fiction/Romantic/Adventure The Love Island Book Shop by Kate Frost - Author Books had been her companion throughout her life. Brought up as virtually an only child, with parents who had clearly found the restraints of a second child constraining, reading had been her main pass time and a way to escape the loneliness. She’d had a best friend from the age of seven who had been like a sister for a large chunk of her life, but that had been unexpectedly and cruelly taken from her. Owen hadn’t been much of a support at all during the excruciatingly heartbreaking time that followed and all she really had left were once again, her many works of literature, plus her job,, where more of the same awaited, although she actually loved it…and, there was of course, Aisha. Maybe the newspaper advert was a sign, telling her that it was time for a new start somewhere she could get away from all the complications, disappointments and sadness that lif

some day x by Debby Buxton

  Emotional Engaging Intriguing Genre: Young Adult/Contemporary Fiction/Family Drama Someday x by Debby Buxton Author On the surface, they were very different people, but, if explored deeper, there had been, in fact, a myriad of alignments within their relatively short lives, that had conspired to bring them together. It wasn’t just coincidences or fate, but divine intervention. The losses of that small group of individuals who mattered most to them, had prompted them both to make a promise to themselves that those watching their journey could never let them fulfil. But would it be enough to make them see where there destiny really lied? ‘We must let go of the life we had planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us’….. Having followed Debby Buxton on social media for the last year or so, I was excited for this book to be published. Aesthetically, the book is very pleasing and something that any reader should be proud to have on their book shelf. The cover is very well de

One For Sorrow by Sophia Moseley

  Engaging, Intriguing, Cleverly Constructed Contemporary Fiction/Family Drama One for sorrow by Sophia Moseley Writer Leaving your baby girl with a family member, should be something that any individual wouldn’t think twice about. However when Laura left Charlotte with her Grandma that day, she already had well founded doubts about her mother-in-law’s ability to care for her child in a way in which she felt appropriate. Coming from a different generation, Laura was all too aware that she and Sandra had wildly opposing views as to how to bring up children. As a result, and as an adult, Charlotte was now living with paranoia, fear, a deep-routed phobia, and due to the folklore that surrounded the object of her terror, superstition was also playing a part in her daily life. However, worst was yet to come as she never expected that revealing that fragility to the person who held her future in the palm of his hand, would be her undoing……. I follow Sophia Moseley on Facebook and in the r