The End Of Forever By C.M Stokes

  Exhilarating, Evocative, Gripping

Genre: Contemporary Fiction/Historical Fiction/Fantasy/Romance
'The End Of Forever' By C.M Stokes 💔
Boone sat waiting for her as he had done so many times before. The end was always so hard, and the time waiting for her always felt endless. But seeing her again, falling in love all over again, knowing that she felt the same, however long it took and then having their own family, made it all worthwhile. Each time was different and he had never yet mustered the courage to tell her the truth. If only he'd kept on walking and not stopped for that wretched, ailing young man. He could have had lived an ordinary life with Isabella by his side until the end. The end was something that he had come to long for and everytime, he hoped that she might recall past events & that the spell would be broken. But for now, he had to be content with making the most of what time they had together. Forty years of being loved by the most beautiful woman he had ever known...the only woman he had ever known. Forty years of grief & despair, knowing that he was destined to repeat it all again, trapped in this eternal loop....
I met the Author on a Facebook page for Writers and Authors. ✍ We are both very interactive on the site & got talking. She asked me to read a manuscript 💻 which I of course gladly agreed to do & it was around this time that 'The End Of Forever' 💔 came to my attention. I learnt that she wrote Romantic Fiction. Now I've read Fiction with romance but never a romantic novel. When I have attempted it, the books have usually been over the top or corny. Well, I'd clearly been choosing the the wrong novels because M.C Stokes definitely knows how to create an extremely entertaining, passionate, & though provoking romantic plot with the most inspired narrative behind it. I don't normally take to imaginitive, Fantastical storylines, but because this element worked so well alongside the Contemporary theme, it was easy to mentally inhabit Felicity & Boone's world. I felt frustration when Felicity took time to decide whether she should be with Boone, his patient disappointment was tangible & I was willing him to tell her the truth. When Flo suspects what the reader already knows, I so badly wanted Flo to share her thoughts with her Granddaughter, but she obviously felt that it wasn't her place. When Felicity finally unlocked 🔓 her past with Boone, I felt so relieved that they were on the same page at last. The two leading characters are so right for each other, both spiritually & very clearly physically. Those scenes were mind blowing! It is a lovely little touch to Felicity's character that she has hidden abilities that Boone isn't aware of (not connected to the previously aforementioned scenes! Lol) She so desperately wants to give Boone an ordinary existence when she finds out the extent of his agonising eternal sentence to which he has been condemned, and the way in which it plays out, is both utterly heartbreaking & overwhelmingly, passionately powerful when you realise the full extent of the sacrifice that she is willing to go to for the love of her life whom she adores. At the end of the last chapter, I genuinely let out a breath that I hadn't realised that I was holding and shed a tear...well, quite a few actually. I felt utterly exhausted & a bit broken. I'm not sure other than one other book that comes to mind, a novel has ever had that effect. 'The End Of Forever', is one of the few books I've read, that I've managed to get so completely lost in that my world becomes a blur. I confess that I am now a little bit in love with Boone & possibly Felicity, and this may last sometime. Primarily, I think that this novel is one for the girls, but having described the storyline and waxed lyrical so enthusiastically about it for the last four days, my partner now wants to read it. So, I will be getting it in hard copy for this purpose (I read it on KU), but also because I can see me reading this again. I cannot recommend this enough! A sequel please!! ❤
'As Clean As A Whistle': The phrase originates in the work of Scotland's national poet, Robert Burns. In his 1786 poem, 'The Author's Ernest Cry And Prayer', he wrote 'her muchkin stowp as tooms a whissle'. Translated into modern English dialect, it means that the protagonist's bucket is as empty as a whistle'. 🪣
May be an image of heart and text that says 'M.C.Stokes C. Stokes M. THEEND OF FOR FOREVER'
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