Charity and the Building Plot

 Charming, Intriguing, Engaging

Genre: Contemporary Fiction/Mystery
Charity Shields and the Building Plot by John Guthrie, Author 🕵‍♀️🧑‍🦰
Charity Shields is an eccentric, nearly middle aged woman (to my mind anyway), who prefers to be left alone to indulge in her introverted lifestyle. Not in a grumpy, unsociable way you understand. She's just found no need for the company of others. Her main passion is Mystery solving, as she rather fancies herself as a 'prospective Detective', and enjoys whiling away her time attempting to solve the crimes that attract her attention, either via the newspaper, 📰 radio 📻 or television. 📺 Unfortunity no opportunity for amateur sleuthing, had ever presented itself on her doorstep.....could that all be about to change?
When her unspoilt, cosy life of solitude is abruptly interrupted, and Charity is tasked with minding her friend's young son, a conversation about the whys and wherefores of her investigatory pursuits arises and she suggests that her and her young house guest go for a walk in the woods, 🌳🌾jesting that they may find a dead body.......however, as Oscar Wilde once said 'To expect the unexpected, shows a thorough modern intellect'.
When I was asked to read this book, I wasn't expecting a delightful, light-hearted Mystery with a quirky, amusing, very likeable character at it's centre, let alone an eleven year old sidekick wiser than his years.. once Charity adjusts to her somewhat old-fashioned sensibilities being met with a certain amount of good natured mockery and derision from her modern-day mini Watson,the two seem to get along famously. It is endearing how, when no one else seems interested in Charity's theories concerning collusion and underhandedness at play in more than one sector of industry, Eric is there to spur her on and assist in her explorations. In return, she let's him indulge in all the junk food 🍿🍩🍟🍕that a boy of his age could desire, have complete control of the TV remote and a somewhat self-imposed bedtime routine, even breaking her own, usually more disciplined and less chaotic one.
I am one for getting a bit lost sometimes with descriptive text in Mysteries and Thrillers. However, in this one, the way in which the Author puts across the appearance of the characters and the setting, allowed me to get a perfect mental image 👱‍♀️💭 of the scenes and cast as they unfolded within the writing, such as when Charity is cornered in her temporary office whilst trying to locate vital evidence, the meeting in her local pub and the first time she gets acquainted with Bernie, also the disarray at Charity's courtesy of young Eric.
It is perhaps slightly wordy in places when describing contracts and the nature of the business, when Charity volunteers to take up the reins, but then that might be a lack of understanding on my part as to the finer points of the topic in hand.
This was indeed a very comprehensive, entertaining enjoyable novel. I do appreciate John Guthrie's writing greatly, and will continue to follow his work,


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