Damaged, Book Two Of The Fragile Line Series by Sarah Dawson Powell

  Heart-breaking, Gripping Intense

Genre: Young Adult/Mental Health
'Damaged' book two of The Fragile Lines series by Sarah Sarah Dawson Powell- author
When you have been searching for love, acceptance and approval from someone, anyone, for as long as you can remember, you hold on for all you are worth, to anyone prepared to show you anything resembling what you crave, even when you know that deep down, it is a lot less than you deserve....and each of these glimmers of hope and happiness are so finely balanced, that it would only take a breath of air for it all to come tumbling down......
As book one told Sadie's story, book two, is Jenny's. Sadie was Jenny's absolute nemesis in High School, but they actually have a lot more in common than they think. However, unlike Sadie, Jenny doesn't rely on substances to get her through the day, and seems that little bit more together, although, there really isn't much in it. Out of the two girls, I have to say that at this point, I do prefer Jenny more than Sadie. However, Jenny is definitely not without her weak points....she gives too many chances to people who don't deserve them, and stays in situation that do not serve her well for far longer than she should....much like Sadie. She needs the validation of a relationship and spends much of the time unsure as to which man will fulfill her needs sufficiently. ๐Ÿ‘ฑ‍♀️๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿผ
I really enjoy reading novels from the point of view of different characters; it gives me a little thrill, that whilst I'm reading about the main protagonist in book two, and they are reflecting on the actions of the main protagonist in book one, I have more insight into what's happening around them than they do. Sounds a bit psycho I know, that I get a kick out of having one over on a Fictional character. This book is essentially the same time line as the first, however, this is Jenny's perspective and what was occurring in her world whilst Sadie's existence was becoming ever more turbulent. I finished the first book with I guess, the impression that Jenny was in fact, a bit of a cold, self important bitch who wanted everything her way. Reading the second book, has turned that theory on it's head. All the time Jenny is going through her own set of issues that, I would go as far as to say, are probably worse than Sadie's. Jenny's reactions to the events that befall her are purely as a result of her poor mental health, which has caused her to make bad choices, she views Tyler as her constant, her home and mis-judges him as her 'safe place'. Whilst they are best friends, the transition from platonic to something 'more' hasn't perhaps, brought with it, the feelings that it should, and she is so fearful of losing what she imagines they have, that she isn't about to wear her heart on her sleeve in case of rejection. Ryan is I think an infatuation, as he is for the most part 'forbidden fruit', once tasted but now too complicated, particularly when she sees that he isn't quite the person that she thought he was. Then there's Alex....Alex is her one chance to make it alright, to have everything, but can she keep him, and if she can't, then what is left for her? ๐Ÿง’๐Ÿ‘ฑ๐Ÿง‘
My heart broke several times for Jenny throughout this intense and captivating novel. It broke for Sadie too, but on a whole different level, as is the power of Sarah's writing.๐Ÿ’” I know it's a clichรจ, but I literally had trouble putting this gripping piece of writing down, during the short course of time it took me to complete it, So much so, that my partner actually fell asleep waiting for me to finish it on Saturday night. The end of this book was as I expected with a little extra, and I cannot wait to read the next instalment.


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