Second Hand Rose by D.E Fox

Dark, Fanciful, Inventive
Genre: Horror Fiction
Trigger warning: death and violence
Second Hand Rose 🌹 D.E Fox
Two molevalent spirits, both evil beings in their human form and sentenced to their deaths for their wrong doings. However, instead of a one way ticket to hell, they find themselves stuck in a realm that is neither where they might have hoped for, or where they though was probably inevitable. Destined to spend all eternity weeding out those people in the the towns and cities whose behaviour wasn't to their liking, or those who failed to appreciate their lives and what they had. And for those who they deemed worthy, granting eternal life. So, after several centuries of running amok, the undead demonic creatures decide to settle in the town of 'Friendship'. One of them befriends a local female and the other assumes a new identity. How will they now choose to utilise their control over the residents of this quiet rural area?
Not ever having been requested to read and review anything in the area of the 'horror' genre, and not yet having chosen to do it myself, I thought it would might be an interesting and perhaps sensible place to start with a short story. I thought that the concept was extremely clever and well constructed. The character's were believable and likeable, particular Sam whose energy and personality, I thought came across well in the writing. He may well now the latest in a long line of my Literary crushes. The twist involving Christian was very unexpected and imaginitive, but I shall say no more. I am a very character based reader, but unfortunately I find it hard to invest in them when I am reading a short story. If, as 'The End' implies there is a sequel, it would be interesting to see how this narrative develops and if I am able to get more emotionally involved.
Two chapters that are late on in the book, provide the reader with the backstory to these two undead figures. Up until those chapters, I found these particular characters quite difficult to comprehend and imagine, but then I've never been one for going along with the Author's descriptions. This might well though, be my lack of time given t reading genres depicting creatures and beings, created purely by the Author's imagination. I think that these particular chapters may have perhaps, been better placed earlier on in the book for people like myself who like a little more structure when reading a genre that we are not entirely comfortable with, and might possibly give up on a read (not that I would do that), if we feel that there is not enough foundation to the narrative to engage with.
I have to be honest, I didn't see the trigger warnings prior to starting the story as I don't tend to pay much attention to anything other than the cover design and title and base my judgement of whether it is my kind of read on those two criteria. I don't think that the warnings would have deterred me though as the cover suggests a lighter, fluffier story than it actually is. Maybe that's just my sensibilities. In no way do I regret reading this, as if an Author considers, it worth writing, and especially if they are looking for readers, we owe it to them, to at least give it a go.
The plot is definitely an inspired one, and I commend the Author for coming up with that. For regular readers of horror, I'm sure that this would be something to devour. I shall keep a look out for further work from Deborah Fox.
May be an image of text

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