The Landlord Of Hummingbird House by Jane Harvey

 Engaging, Entertaining, Easy Read

Genre: Contemporary Fiction
The Landlord Of Hummingbird House by Jane Harvey - Novelist 🔑
April had viewed number three, Hummingbird House online. She hadn't had time to view it in person, so was keeping her fingers crossed🤞that it was at least habitable. Shown around by a swarthy, slightly put-out individual, she had hoped that his mood would improve, and he was just having an 'off day'. In the weeks that followed, she got to know her neighbours. However, Dai's stand-offish demeanour had started to annoy her, and it was curious but strangely heartwarming how all the other tenants rallied round him. She didn't feel she was in a position to pry. After all, no one knew her backstory after all.....but just what was his problem?
I'd been meaning to start on this Literary series for ages, having had it recommended by several reliable sources, and as I generally do literally 'judge a book by it's cover' when I choose reads, it looked like one that would be right up my street. 📖 As I nearly always am, I was right, this type of narrative is completely within my comfort zone. An enjoyable cosy read about a group of people living in close quarters in an old Georgian town house, perfect. I am a very character based reader, so to have multitude of different personalities to get to know and see develop, is a joy.
I like the setting of the novel with.most of the characters under one roof, either already acquainted or getting to know one another, the dynamic between them being easy and friendly, with exception of one mysterious, troubled (or so it would seem) man within their midst. The way that April's gregarious nature brings out the sociable side of Paul, was lovely to witness as well as the buoyant and kind-hearted spirits in Jonty and Ben, so immediately open and friendly, whilst Betty plays a bit of a mother role, particularly to the unpredictable Dai.❤
Introducing Kelly, April's sister along with her adorable young neice,👧 provides the reader with a change of pace to a relationship that is obviously well established, and allows us to get to know April better along with more of her backstory. Her adoration for little Olive is clear, and their bond is touching. It was also nice that she had a friend in Rosie, although I felt it a little co-incidental that she lived so close and already knew Paul so well. Also, I was left feeling that I needed to know more about Rosie's friendship with Joy.
The character twist revealed right at the end of the book, was a surprising development, but probably shouldn't have been, as all the signs were there. The mention of a maintenance company, and perhaps Paul's somewhat questioning acceptance of April's assumption about Dai, after their initial meeting, had perhaps been strategically intended as a ruse. It worked for me anyway. Clever! 💡
This is only the second book I have read from this Author, but she seems to be a very good character writer who 'gets' people, bringing her creations to life with authentic dialogue and making them tangible. I look forward to reading the rest of this charming series.
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