Pieces: Book 4 of The Fragile Line Series by Sarah Dawson Powell
Genres: Contemporary Fiction/Young Adult Fiction/Romance - thene of violence and addiction
'Security', 'Respect', 'True Love', to be 'The One', 'Loyalty', and 'Trust',......these are all qualities that one or more of them crave, and each of them crave one or more of these qualities. The fact each of them looks to each other for these qualities, make their ensemble extremely volatile, something that they are all aware of, however none of them seem capable of breaking the chain in this dangerous game of jeopardy with their friendships and their futures. An ability at which they are all becoming adept..
Two of them care deeply that they are successful in securing the right outcome, but are powerless to make it happen, the third is predisposed, it seems to destroying anything that vaguely represents itself as a shot at love and happiness (because it doesn't exist, right?!), the fourth has ambition, but fears that his relationship would bring about failure, and wants his girlfriend to show consideration for his future, of which he wants her to be a part, given the right circumstances. The fifth unfortunately craves much more than the aforementioned qualities, clouding her judgement and thoughts and making it difficult to attainment what she needs.....acceptance, to be loved for who she is........and above all, her freedom. 

Everytime I get into reading another novel from this psychologically charged series, it is, despite it's fraught, changeable, uncomfortable and intense narrative, the epitome of a captivating, entertaining and exciting read for me, as I love narratives that explore the minds and behaviours of people. I now feel so familiar with Sarah's cast, and cannot wait to see what happens to them each time.
Jenny's inability to trust, is I guess indicative of what happened to her as a teenager, and how she has subsequently been treated by, not only men with whom she has had longstanding relationships, but most recently by a man with whom she had in comparison only known for a short time, who still felt that his priorities were paramount. Neither of the girls have much regard for the feelings of others. However, I think that may be a tool used to protect themselves. Jenny's disrespect and disregard for Corey until it suits her to behave better towards him, is quite frankly appalling, and I was relieved when Corey finally stood up for himself! The fact that Jenny just has to click her fingers in order to get his attention is a source of annoyance for me. The long awaited return of Alex, I felt was too short-lived, but I was glad that Jenny finally asserted herself, even if it wasn't maybe in the best way.

Sadie remains a sassy and very likeable character, but she is not as strong as she likes to make others believe, hence the need for the substances that fuel her addictions. Her behaviour tends to taint situations for both herself and others in her company, but unlike with Jenny, this appears to be a deliberate act, due to a feeling of inadequacy and being used to the bad stuff, she feels that is all she is worth. I also think (again unlike Jenny), that the remorse she feels for her actions and treatment of others, plays it's part in her addictions, making it a neverending cycle.. the addictions dull the ability to experience feelings. She loves Ryan, and even though it is way past the point of her being able to alter the direction of their relation without some serious sacrifice on her part, she continues to feel that she is duty bound to stay with Ryan, associated to guilt tied up with events from the past that have no bearing on their present. After Ryan's first career was terminated, in part due to Sadie, he now has ambitions to further a career in music. However, he desperately needs his girlfriend to straighten herself out, as he has no wish for a repeat performance of his downfall all those years ago. In helping Sadie, he is hoping to help himself as he at least realises that their mutual abuse of each other cannot continue. Will he be successful, and how will he react when he sees that another has more influence over Sadie than he has?

It feels to me like Trevor is constantly on the periphery of the group. At the mercy of Sadie's erratic, unstable temperament, working alongside a man he is betraying, knowing that he may never get his happy ending and having partly, if not wholly lost his best friend to a woman who treats him like her puppet. Will he have the will-power to put an end to a situation that is doing very little for him? Rather than searching for those aforementioned qualities from another person, I wonder if Trevor would be better looking more introspectively.
The Author under 'Author's Notes', makes reference to possible frustrations that the reader may currently be feeling with some of her characters, and gives an indication to the nature of how things will end. I feel that, for me that will now remove some of the suspense, certainly with one of her cast. Nevertheless, I intend to stick with The Fragile Line until the bitter, or not so bitter end, and look forward to book five.
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