Every Night Has A Dawn by Rachel Valencourt
Thought Provoking, Captivating, Emotional Genre: Historical Fiction/Family Drama/Romance/Coming of Age Every Night Has A Dawn by Rachel Valencourt Author Winds of Change Book 1. At ninety years of age, Millie Dawn Jensen, or Dawn as she had decided that she wanted to be known as at the grand old age of six, reflects on her colourful, tumultuous and wonderful four score years and ten. She reminisces over the many events of her life for her grandchild, just as her mama suggested she would on that day when she was nine years old living on the Reservation. She recounts the hardships of the depression, the influential and inspiring time living with and being taught the ways of a different group of people at an age untouched by the vileness of discrimination, the deep sadness and struggle that living through a war brought, and the pitfalls, heartbreak and joy, that navigating relationships gave, culminating in marriage, more heartbreak and bringing her own children into this world. S...