Where Is All The Grass Going? by Deborah Fox
Imaginative, Educational, Delightful
Genre: Fiction/Mystery/Children’s Literature (but would appeal to all ages)
Philip’s impressive stature, glossy coat, highly trained nose and ability to resolve a tricky predicament, (especially the latter), plus his all round good natured character were qualities that endeared other animals to approach him when there was a problem to be worked out. His partner in crime, Gino, couldn’t be more different, with his short, stumpy body and legs, his ill-tempered nature often giving people and other animals, the impression that he was difficult, hence having been through so many owners in his short little life. The only thing that the two dogs had in common were there sizeable ears. Nonetheless, they were best friends.

Sammy, not unlike Phillip, possessed a majestic stature, but not quite the build. He had however, been blessed with a sensible and logical mind, and liked to help. His ‘brother from another mother’, Jake was also very different from his friend. He was considerably shorter, easily distracted, liked to chase things that flew, such as insects, butterflies, shiny things….. his own shadow, and generally goof around. You may have guessed by now that Jake wasn’t that bright and was perfectly content to let Sammy do the thinking. 

Feeling very pleased and proud of themselves after helping a family of mice relocate and a bird back to its nest after a clumsy bird of prey knocks it to the ground whilst on a mission to find food, Philip is struck with the idea of putting together an investigative agency for dogs to assist other animals with any problematic incidences that should befall them. However, he is unaware of a larger problem, one that whilst strictly not within their remit, a certain whippet is keen to take on, as well as simultaneously proving to his bosses that his partner is not as daft as he seems. Jake has no intention of letting Sammy down (in his more lucid moments). Will he step up and save the day? Who is responsible for all the missing grass? 

I initially felt somewhat reticent about reading and reviewing ‘Where Is All The Grass Going’? for two reasons. Firstly, I made the assumption that this was purely a book intended for children, and as I neither have any, nor spend time with young children, I wasn’t sure that I would be able to appreciate the story enough to write a detailed review. The second reason was that I primarily read novels that are about people, not animals, and it has to be said, that this lovely book does contain considerably more animals that humans, or maybe they are on a par. This narrative put me immediately in mind of the film ‘The Secret Life Of Pets’ which certainly isn’t just for children, and likewise, neither is this book. It is humorous, fun, joyous and warm, and whilst it would certainly primarily appeal to children, and has desperately made me want to read it to one, I believe that anyone would enjoy it. It is educational, mentioning other countries and places of interest, even for me at nearly half a century years of age. Such as the ‘Eurasian Step’ which Jakes mistakes for a pop band. It provides some light relief from today’s heavy and very real problems on earth.
The addition of illustrations gives the story a more tangible feel and was a lovely touch. I like to put pictures of the characters as I imagined them with my reviews, and I had a great time doing that for this book.
The author’s little interjections to the reader to omit parts of the narrative that are disposable for younger minds that don’t have the attention span of their older counterparts, is a great innovation.

The magical world that this author has created for her characters, puts them in control, even though they are dogs, and this made it a refreshing change from narratives that are usually dominated by humans, the ‘normal’ world, turning the tables and making the animals seem like the more emotional intelligent species while the humans are unaware of this underworld that exists within the bowels of the park. However, far from being sinister, it brought a smile to see how they all worked together and created their ‘HQ’ and networks beyond. It was charming to imagine dogs and mice wearing high vis jackets, carrying torches and in an underground cave, monitoring the outside world and the BBC News for any untoward activity. It was amusing to imagine the bemused gardeners and various onlookers as the dogs, and mice worked together to find and gather Terry’s missing nuts, so that he could take them home to feed his family. 

The ‘Postman’ and ‘carrier bag’ anecdotes gave me a chuckle, and it was this that put me in mind of Jake as a very daft but loveable Terrier. Jake’s sudden sparks of inspiration that he is not even aware of, just make you love him more.
The recruitment process of the dogs for Philip and Gino’s agency was very well devised I thought, very clever and the training course on which Sammy and Jake had to go was ingenious. Especially when it all hinges on Laura scheming to ensure that the ‘parents’ unwittingly take their beloved pooches to a destination near the training facility, whilst all the time thinking that it was their doing. I loved that Jake thought he would be having his nails done at the spa. Although, given the hilarious scene that unfolds when Coral is attempting to cut his nails, I’m not sure he would have fared well at a salon. I particularly liked the message that this part of the book was utilised to convey, and that is, that ‘all that anyone can expect from anyone else is their best’. An important lesson to learn for a young person, and still a lesson that many older people need to embrace. Sammy showing Jake how to raise his paw whilst swearing allegiance, while he just kept falling over conveyed Sammy’s patience and love for his friend, but also a very funny moment for the reader! 

Elsewhere, Bernard’s brutal ejection from his home at the hands (or should I say wings) of his mother was another comedic moment, and made me reflect on how easy us humans have it when it comes to growing up, deciding to ‘branch’ out and ‘flying the nest’…...I guess that is the reason behind the saying.

There were a few little elements that took me back to my younger years. Jake’s passage to the pack cave, put me in mind of the children’s programme ‘Jamie and the Magic Torch’, a programme that I loved when I was young. I thought that this was a good parallel and something that children and adults of my era would able to imagine easily. It may not have been the author’s intention, but when Laura is explaining a plan to the others, she says ‘Come over here and listen. I don’t want to repeat myself’, as I always imagine poodles to be French, it gave me ‘Allo Allo’ vibes.

The two children who get told at different stages of the book that they are making things up when they see the dogs carry out ‘human actions’ I thought was a nice constant. 

The perpetrators and the story behind their crime of hunger, was such a delightful discovery. The way in which our dog detectives interacted with their extraordinary find, was very touching. 

Gino’s unwilllingness to agree to Jake’s plan, and to make them wait to find out whether he agreed with it, all because he wasn’t a fan of the tedious terrier, was an entertaining final act of retaliation by Gino and I loved that he had to swallow some of his over inflated pride, of which he had a lot for such a little dog. Another life lesson included here was that ‘Sammy thought that Gino should accept Jake for what he was, not what he wanted him to be’. I think that’s something we can all take on board.
Jake distracted by a spider whilst Laura and the boys are discussing the plan was once again wonderfully articulated within the writing, and provided much humour.

The rather sad happening at the end is lightened by Joyce’s discovery of Laura, Margot getting her ‘just desserts’ and Sandra returning to her beloved Jake. And the Flash Gordon pun did not go unnoticed. See if you can spot it.

A wonderful, uplifting read that I shall certainly be buying (and possibly reading) for the children in my family. 

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