Enraged by Morgan McDaniel - Author

 Amusing, Spicy, Intriguing

Genre: Contemporary Fiction/Romance/contains graphic sexual content
‘When you’re in love with someone you don’t want to hide it’. 🖤
Even though we have history before ‘us’
Even when we’ve been together for half a lifetime
Even when we feel we know each other back to front and inside out
Even when we have committed to sharing a lifetime with one another
Even when we have chosen the ring
Even when plans are in place and invitations issued
Even when the stage was set and we reached that moment
Even then, did we ever really know them?
‘Smut’, as it is often called in literary circles, has never been a genre I have often indulged in. However, when this novel crossed my path, attracted to the book cover, and intrigued as to the title, I decided that it was time for a change. We British have a tendency to sometimes be a tad priggish about too much sex in books or scenes that are graphic. Indeed, when I was reading ‘Enraged’, and reached ‘one of those’ scenes, I felt slightly awkward and like I was intruding on the characters’ time together. I did, if I’m honest, also expect wall to wall bonking without much of a storyline, but was pleasantly surprised to find a novel that has clearly been written by a very competent author, with a very absorbing plot, and clearly very aesthetically pleasing, emotionally vulnerable but strong characters, who are respectful of one another. The narrative also has some extremely funny moments mainly within the dialogue. In addition to the dialogue are the inner thoughts of the character, a feature that continues throughout, and is an exceptionally clever way to interject humour and allow the reader to get to know the characters more intimately, allowing them the privilege of discovering that, what they say, isn’t always what they are thinking. Each chapter is headed with one of the two main characters, Dakota and Jolene. The writing is comprehensible and explicit, other than the odd reference, specifically related to the part of America in which the book is set. In those cases, Google came in very useful and it kept me engaged from beginning to end but, I might, as with other novels have suggested a glossary of translations at the beginning. However, this could be difficult in this case unless the author was of a mind to include diagrams. I shall never see Sponge Bob in quite the same way again! I still do not know what a ‘bruised looking bustle’ is though. Owing to the fact that I found myself quickly invested in Dakota and Jolene, getting lost in their lives and how they chose to deal with this cruel act of selfishness that had been brought upon them, I managed to read this book in about 48 hours. 📖
The opening scene is definitely my favourite, as it laid all my previous expectations of this novel to one side . The character of Blaine is definitely my favourite. His personality shines through in the way that his dialogue has been written. ‘Clean your clam Lovebug’ had me laughing out loud! Lena relating to past conversations she has had with her ‘sister in love’ Bailey, about her daughter Bristol and her appearance in the morning, plus her unpredictability being four years of age, were such well derived and described traits for what is essentially a side character that so easily conjures up an entertaining image within the reader’s mind, telling me much about the writer and what might be to come.🎶🥂🍾
I remained of this opinion up until the first scene where Dakota and Jolene are in the hot tub. I was a little worried that I had ventured into tacky territory, but I think that, not knowing the characters at that stage, gave me the wrong impression. As I progressed, I became familiar with their personalities and dynamic, realising that the spiciness of this novel was a tool used to navigate the characters’ emotions, not the overall purpose of the novel itself.🌶
The transition from friends to experimenting with adding another layer to their current whisky fuelled, vulnerable disposition and precarious accidental coupling, isn’t done subtly, but neither do I think that it was Dakota and Jolene’s intent to let it happen. Dakota comes across as respectful and considerate of his long term friend, whilst Jolene gives the impression of being quite naive and innocent at first, unaware of her appeal at a time when they both need security and comfort. The way that comfort manifests itself is what well and truly adds the spice!🥃
I will say at this point that, they mention having seen each other naked previously. I have never seen any of my friends naked. It must be something about the deep south.🤦‍♀️
When Jace arrives at the house with Cassie, Jolene is surprised that they have had the audacity to invade after what they have done, whilst Dakota isn’t surprised, implying he expected it. I however, was just surprised it had taken them so long. The action that Dakota then takes leaving behind his and Jolene’s bags, did seem a little contrived and odd that he should not let Jolene retrieve them, but as they say ‘one thing leads to another’!🌶
Dialogue that added a lot of humour and light heartedness for me, was…..
Jolene’s response when Dakota tells her that it’s been reported that they are expecting eight inches of snow. Her retort made me snort. 📏
Her attempt at putting together a statement on her website. 💻
Later, when she comments on Cassie not getting what she thinks she’s getting with Jace as she always had to finish what he started! 🐰
When Jolene suddenly wonders if there are security cameras in the house, after her and Dakota’s first indiscretion.📹
When he calls her sexy and she reminds him of something very unsexy that she did in their past.💩
When Dakota checks that Jolene’s panties haven’t dissolved!👙
Dakota shows himself, to be a man of great integrity showing respect to his ‘partner in mutual heartbreak’ in many ways, explaining to Jolene, what he thinks would have been the motive for the betrayal and that forgiving people is the only way to proceed, as they shouldn’t be left with carrying the burden of resentment. In doing so, he helps her move on mentally. I’m not sure that she would have done so that easily otherwise. He also shows himself to be chivalrous and gentlemanly in the little things that he does for Jolene, paying for groceries, lighting a fire to ensure she isn’t cold when she’s asleep and pulling his Grandmama’s quilt over her, and especially, I thought when he offered to collect her belongings. He does the latter in order to save her having to see Jace, so I thought that when Jolene took Jace his case, her actions somewhat negated what Dakota had done for her. Also, she could have just dumped it on the front porch, as they didn’t seem to have much to say to each other of any consequence. If it had been me, I think I would have chosen that course of action as silence speaks louder than words. I’m not sure what she hoped to gain from it. In the same way, Cassie and Jolene’s meeting at Deja Brew felt like a bit of a none event apart from giving Cassie the opportunity to further attempt to instil in Jolene, that she was still welcome in her ex’s life. I thought that the confrontation with Jolene and Jace’s mum, at long last showed that she had fire in her, and felt able to express how she was feeling which made me glad for her. I couldn’t help but think how conflicting her two relationships with Big Jake in particular must have been in that instance.♥️🛍☕
The aspect I liked the most though, and that I was probably most impressed with out of either main character was Dakota’s devotion to his work and his professionalism, being faced with not only a difficult job, but also a difficult situation to face within his team. This was written very well and the author’s knowledge of Dakota’s profession was impressive. I was surprised to read that Jolene was able to connect to what was happening to Dakota. When the Chief calls Jolene to let her know what has happened, I knew then that the Chief had called her with only one person in mind, whereas Jolene was firmly preoccupied with another. That was an interesting take on their perspectives. 👨‍🚒📱
I found it extremely frustrating when they return home but both get the wrong idea about how the one has chosen to move forward, failing to communicate properly. Instead choosing to put up walls as a defence mechanism to stop them being hurt again.💔
I loved Jolene’s dynamic with her parents. Whenever I have encountered people from the deep south of America in books or on television, I am always struck by how polite and respectful children are of their parents, and this was demonstrated between Jolene and her parents in the most heart-warming way, as well as Dakota and his daddy in a phone call. Although I loved the ‘sisterly’ vibe between Jolene and her mama. They are both supportive and kind.♥️
Dakota’s final act of bravery was not a surprise to me. I knew that that was what he would do, despite all that had gone before. It was a bit of a nail biting moment. But then, what’s not to like about a 6ft 4 inch first responder?!
The Epilogue was perfect, giving Dakota and Jolene, the ending they deserved and showing that an understanding had been reached amongst all parties, even if it was just on the surface.
I am glad to have Morgan as a new author to follow online and will be happy to read more of her books in the future.🌸
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