Charity and the Building Plot
Charming, Intriguing, Engaging Genre: Contemporary Fiction/Mystery Charity Shields and the Building Plot by John Guthrie, Author Charity Shields is an eccentric, nearly middle aged woman (to my mind anyway), who prefers to be left alone to indulge in her introverted lifestyle. Not in a grumpy, unsociable way you understand. She's just found no need for the company of others. Her main passion is Mystery solving, as she rather fancies herself as a 'prospective Detective', and enjoys whiling away her time attempting to solve the crimes that attract her attention, either via the newspaper, radio or television. Unfortunity no opportunity for amateur sleuthing, had ever presented itself on her doorstep.....could that all be about to change? When her unspoilt, cosy life of solitude is abruptly interrupted, and Charity is tasked with minding her friend's young son, a conversation about the whys and wherefores of her investigatory pursuits arises and she suggests that he...