
Showing posts from January, 2024

Charity and the Building Plot

  Charming, Intriguing, Engaging Genre: Contemporary Fiction/Mystery Charity Shields and the Building Plot by John Guthrie, Author Charity Shields is an eccentric, nearly middle aged woman (to my mind anyway), who prefers to be left alone to indulge in her introverted lifestyle. Not in a grumpy, unsociable way you understand. She's just found no need for the company of others. Her main passion is Mystery solving, as she rather fancies herself as a 'prospective Detective', and enjoys whiling away her time attempting to solve the crimes that attract her attention, either via the newspaper, radio or television. Unfortunity no opportunity for amateur sleuthing, had ever presented itself on her doorstep.....could that all be about to change? When her unspoilt, cosy life of solitude is abruptly interrupted, and Charity is tasked with minding her friend's young son, a conversation about the whys and wherefores of her investigatory pursuits arises and she suggests that he

Jo and Jim In A Weird World by John Guthrie

  Creative, Fascinating, Innovative Genre: Literary Fiction Jo And Jim In A Weird World by John Guthrie, Author Curiosity having got the better of them, with no thought of any danger that may lie ahead, Jim and Jo climb through the flora and fauna portal, into a world where, time, destination and the changing of the seasons are of no relevance. A world with gravity defying women, a soldier who has mislaid his battalion, and a train and it's journey, neither of which have any beginning nor end. On their quest to return to their home, they encounter non-sensical and eccentric characters, and a number of ever changing environments. How do they get somewhere when they don't know where they are? Being a very practically minded person and not processing well, anything that isn't in the natural order, going by the title and the blurb, I wasn't sure how I was going to get on with this book. However, nothing ventured, nothing gained, and I am not one to give up on a book,. I w

Beautiful: Book 1 of the Fragile Line Series

  Thought Provoking, Powerful, Intriguing Genres: Young Adult/Coming Of Age/Addiction Beautiful; Books 1 of the Fragile Line Series by Sarah Dawson Powell- author When the mistakes of your past are infiltrating your present, and threatening your future, you are plagued by the knowledge that you had the opportunity to change it all, and yet you didn't take it because of the vision of how it was supposed to be, and even though that vision hasn't played out, you cannot leave, because of the small amount of hope that you still have, and cling to it like a life raft in a turbulent sea, willing for the waters to calm, has you pinned down and you just keep drowning. What choices are left? Until recently, I'd never been one to read books that were written in a series, but now felt the right time to do so, the Fragile Line series being one of a few that I have committed to recently. In the relatively short time that I have followed this very gifted indie Author online, I have admire

AOH By Jennifer Renson-Chiapetta

  Comprehensive, Powerful, Insightful Genres: Historical Fiction/Mystery 'Aoh' by Books and Poetry by Jennifer Renson Aoh finds herself in the vast and arid dessert in the Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt, after an attack on her village has taken place. After what seems like an eternity for someone so young, she is startled to hear what sounds like horses hooves running toward her. Fearing that it may be the same men on horseback who ambushed her home, she hides. Gradually the sound ceases. Then she hears two voices, one male and one female. It's always a joy when an Author/Writer asks me to read and review their work, but that joy is increased when the request comes from someone with whom I am not yet acquainted, as was the case with Jennifer Rensin-Chiapetta. However, when I clicked on the link that the Author provided, giving me more information about the book, I wasn't initially sure if this type of story was for me, not knowing anything about Egypt, ancient or o

Murder At Mother's by Maighread Mackay

  Engaging, Intriguing, Witty Genre: Contemporary Fiction/Mystery/Fantasy 'Murder At Mother's' by Author - Maighread MacKay Martha is a woman of means, advancing years, and a large family. She has plans for her sprawling, beautiful ranch. She is an animal lover, and as such, wants to leave an appropriate legacy for when, in time, she shuffles off this mortal coil. However, she knows that breaking this news to her family, particularly certain members, will be no easy task, much less persuading them to agree to it. But, she could never have imagined what lay ahead. This is another, Fun and fascinating novel from Maighread Mackay, where the paranormal meets the present. I read the first of the 'Lake Scugog Mystery Series, last year, 'The Secret Of Stone Cottage', and was greatly looking forward to returning to the lives of Cissy and Becca. The novel however, begins and continues for a number of chapters, with a new set of characters, The Bancroft Family, and they

Haunted By Melissa Tilly Hall

  Compelling, Intriguing, Gripping Genres: Contemporary Fiction/Historical Fiction/ Romance 'Haunted' by Author Melissa Tilley Hall Amara still occupied the large house, all these years later, the house she had been born in, since her Father had ceased to own the property. In that time, she had successfully seen off two potential proprietors. It was just her and the others remaining now, and her precious piano. However, the girl had arrived, with her suitor. Amara did not object to her though. She knew that this was where she belonged. Desiree knew, from the first time she saw the house and wondered around it's vast spaces, that she loved it completely; with its fine furnishings and elegant decor. Almost all of this house, gave her a magical feeling, with the exception of two areas, which evoked the exact opposite emotions. She longed to discover its history and that of previous occupants. She intended to restore the house to it's former glory, and find out exactly wh

Things We Couldn't Change By Allison Berry

  Engaging, Passionate, Spicy Genres: Contemporary Fiction/Passionate/Adult Themes 'Things They Couldn't Change' by Author Allison Berry Karley is running from a dark time in her life. She has relocated from her small home town in Iowa, still rife with rumours and speculation five years on, and is now a somewhat reluctant resident in the much larger city of Chicago. She swore herself off any kind of romantic involvement with another man, the night of the incident that dramatically changed her life and the way she felt about herself. She hasn't known who she can trust. But, could a chance encounter with a tall, dark handsome stranger with brown falcon eyes, be about to change her mind, and of all the people in that large city, who could have predicted that Karley would meet someone with whom she has the cruelest of connections? I was intrigued by the cover & title of Allison Berry's latest novel, and having read the first book of her 'Diary Of My Heart'